Congratulations! You have been selected as the firstplace winner in our annual short story contest. Your story was creative, fresh,and highly entertaining. You certainly deserve this honor. As part of your prize,your story will be published in (magazine). Look for your story in the (month)issue.
Письмо споздравлениями сотрудника о победе
Congratulations! You have been selected as the firstplace winner in our annual short story contest. Your story was creative, fresh,and highly entertaining. You certainly deserve this honor. As part of your prize,your story will be published in (magazine). Look for your story in the (month)issue.
Лист із привітаннями про ювілей фірми
Dear (recipient's name),
Congratulations on (number) years in business! It's been great being a part ofyour success by serving your banking needs. We are glad you have chosen(company) and hope we can continue our relationship for another (number) years.
We're excited to see your success and...
Письмо с поздравлениями о юбилеефирмы
Dear(recipient's name),
Congratulations on (number) years in business! It's been great being a part ofyour success by serving your banking needs. We are glad you have chosen(company) and hope we can continue our relationship for another (number) years.
We're excited to see your success and hope you'll see continued success formany years to come.
(your name)
Лист із поганими новинами про відпустки
Beginning (date), vacation hours will no longer accrue from year to year. From this dateforward, all vacation hours will reach a maximum allotment and stay at thatrate until time is used. Once time is used for personal time, your hours willbegin to accrue.
If you have any questions, please feel...
Письмо с плохими новостями оботпусках
Beginning(date), vacation hours will no longer accrue from year to year. From this dateforward, all vacation hours will reach a maximum allotment and stay at thatrate until time is used. Once time is used for personal time, your hours willbegin to accrue.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.
(your name)
Лист із поганими новинами про страхування
With our new health insurance plan, we will no longerbe sponsoring a flex spending policy. Any employees currently enrolled in flexspending will have until (date) to use the remaining funds in their accounts. Ifthe money is not used by (date), you will lose the remaining amounts.
We apologize...
Письмо сплохими новостями о страховании
With our new health insurance plan, we will no longerbe sponsoring a flex spending policy. Any employees currently enrolled in flexspending will have until (date) to use the remaining funds in their accounts. Ifthe money is not used by (date), you will lose the remaining amounts.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please feel free to giveme a call if you have any questions.
Лист із невтішними новинами
Were gret to inform you that there will be no quarterly bonus for (number)quarter. As you are aware, company policy is to reward employees with a bonuswhen sales reach a certain level. Unfortunately, during (number) quarter, ourgoal was not met.
Let's look forward and not backwards and work...
Письмо с неутешительными новостями
Weregret to inform you that there will be no quarterly bonus for (number)quarter. As you are aware, company policy is to reward employees with a bonuswhen sales reach a certain level. Unfortunately, during (number) quarter, ourgoal was not met.
Let's look forward and not backwards and work harder to make (number) quarter agreat one.
Лист із поганими новинами від керівництва компанії
We appreciate all of your hard work and thank you for your dedication to(company). We know you are the reason (company) enjoys continued success yearafter year. While we try everything we can to avoid interruptions in your dailylife, it has become necessary to restructure the vacation schedule....
Письмо с неблагоприятными новостымиот руководства компании
Weappreciate all of your hard work and thank you for your dedication to(company). We know you are the reason (company) enjoys continued success yearafter year. While we try everything we can to avoid interruptions in your dailylife, it has become necessary to restructure the vacation schedule. Beginning(date), you will be notified of the new vacation policy. We know some of thesechanges will not please everyone, but we have truly tried our best to provide apolicy that works for you and the company. Thank you for your understanding andcooperation.
(your name)
Лист керівництва компанії про зміну імені
You've probably heard the rumors, and yes, it's true.We've changed our name. (company name) will now be called (new company name).
We have the same great products, same skilled management team, and same friendlycustomer service representatives. The only thing that's changed is our name.
Письморуководства компании об изменении имени
You've probably heard the rumors, and yes, it's true.We've changed our name. (company name) will now be called (new company name).
We have the same great products, same skilled management team, and same friendlycustomer service representatives. The only thing that's changed is our name.
We appreciate your business and are so glad to have you as part of our family.
Лист батькам про випускний вечір
Mr. and Mrs. (name) are so proud of their son, (name),for finishing his degree in (degree name). (name) graduated from (school name)University on (date) with high honors.
A party celebrating (name)'s accomplishment will be (day) at (place). We hopeyou'll be able to come and party on this special...
Письмородителям о выпускном вечере
Mr. and Mrs. (name) are so proud of their son, (name),for finishing his degree in (degree name). (name) graduated from (school name)University on (date) with high honors.
A party celebrating (name)'s accomplishment will be (day) at (place). We hopeyou'll be able to come and party on this special occasion.
Лист роботодавця про звільнення працівників
This letter is to confirm the oral notification of your layoff effective(date). The specific reason for your layoff is due to our recent merger with(company name).
You will be contacted by the Layoff Manager to schedule a layoff interview. Theinterview will include a...
Письмо работодателя об увольнении сотрудников
This letter is to confirm the oral notification of your layoff effective(date). The specific reason for your layoff is due to our recent merger with(company name).
You will be contacted by the Layoff Manager to schedule a layoff interview. Theinterview will include a review of your options in accepting layoff priorityconsideration, a review of your benefits and how they are affected by layoff,your eligibility for layoff severance pay, and services offered to you throughother departments You will have the opportunity to ask any questions to eacharea of expertise.
Please accept my appreciation for the contribution you have made to thisdepartment since you began employment on (date). I would also like to extend mybest wishes to you for the future.
(твое имя)
Лист роботодавця про графік вихідних днів
Please take some time to review the new holidayschedule. This schedule will be effective (date). You'll want to becomefamiliar with the schedule so you can plan your time away from the office.
Письмоработодателя о графике выходных дней
Please take some time to review the new holidayschedule. This schedule will be effective (date). You'll want to becomefamiliar with the schedule so you can plan your time away from the office.