You've been a customer of (company) for more than (number) of years. You'vecome to trust our expertise, quality, and experience. We're grateful you havechosen (company) for all your (type) needs.
We pride ourselves in offering the best in customer service. The only way...
Письмо-просьбао заполнении анкеты оказываемых услуг
Dear (recipient's name),
You've been a customer of (company) for more than (number) of years. You'vecome to trust our expertise, quality, and experience. We're grateful you havechosen (company) for all your (type) needs.
We pride ourselves in offering the best in customer service. The only way toknow how we are serving our customers is to ask. So we need your help. Pleasetake a moment to fill out the enclosed survey about your experience with (company).We want to make sure we are meeting all of your needs and that you are takencare of.
(your name)