Developing solid website traffic is the a major factor in supporting youronline business. Anyone who has ever taken the time to promote their website,knows that it is not a small task. Promoting a site properly could take notjust hours, but days. When a site is properly promoted,...
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Dear (name),
Developing solid website traffic is the a major factor in supporting youronline business. Anyone who has ever taken the time to promote their website,knows that it is not a small task. Promoting a site properly could take notjust hours, but days. When a site is properly promoted, you see results rightaway.
With the (company) our product takes you about (number) minutes to get yourwebsite promoted. This is the maximum amount of time it will take you to fillout one online form. When you click the submit button, we will immediately addyou site to the submission cycle for submission to up to (number) searchengines, directories, and archives for only $(amount).
You don't want to pass this opportunity up. Start driving serious attention toyour website today.
(your name)