Your advertisement in the March issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interestto me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handlethe responsibilities of Administrative judge.
During the past ten years as Assistant Attorney General, I have gained...
Сопроводительное письмо на позициюадминистративного судьи
Dear(recipient's name),
Your advertisement in the March issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interestto me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handlethe responsibilities of Administrative judge.
During the past ten years as Assistant Attorney General, I have gained broadexperience in the litigation of personal injury actions and workers'compensation claims. In this position, I made extensive use of my legalknowledge as well as my research, analytical, judgment, and writing skills. Iam confident of my ability to provide the expertise necessary for theprofessional representation of an Administrative Judge.
Прилагаемое резюме описывает мою квалификацию для рекламируемой должности. Я был бы рад возможности лично обсудить с вами мою квалификацию в удобное для вас время.
С уважением,
(ваше имя)
Enc: Resume