I read with great interest your posting in Monster.com for a Fiber OpticsTechnician. My qualifications appear to be in line with your requirements:
— Seven years of current experience as a Fiber Optics Technician
— Seasoned in telecommunications installation
Сопроводительное письмо специалистапо оптике
Dear(recipient's name),
I read with great interest your posting in Monster.com for a Fiber OpticsTechnician. My qualifications appear to be in line with your requirements:
— Seven years of current experience as a Fiber Optics Technician
— Seasoned in telecommunications installation
— Demonstrated ability to meet project deadlines
— A.A.S. Degree in Electronics with an emphasis in Fiber Optics
— A.A.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology
Additionally, I offer excellent analytical abilities and strong organizationalskills. Combined with my flexibility and dedication, these qualities shouldenable me to make a valuable contribution to Clear Wire Telecommunications,Inc. if given the opportunity.
Прилагаю мою заявку и резюме на ваше рассмотрение. Буду признателен за возможность встретиться с вами, чтобы обсудить ваши потребности и цели, а также то, как я могу им помочь.
Спасибо за ваше время и внимание.
С уважением,
(ваше имя)
Enc: Resume