The Education Consultant position posted on presents excitingopportunities to contribute to the continued growth and success of SypherSystems and its associates.
I offer strong qualifications in instructional design and training as a teacherand training...
Сопроводительное письмо специалистапо обучению
Dear(recipient's name),
The Education Consultant position posted on presents excitingopportunities to contribute to the continued growth and success of SypherSystems and its associates.
I offer strong qualifications in instructional design and training as a teacherand training specialist. Currently, I am in charge of all training programs for500 employees. I have developed training programs and created cross-functionalteams to guide training decisions.
I anticipate completing my master's degree in HRD at XYZ University in May2002. This program includes in-depth training in adult learning, organizationaldynamics, team-building and change management.
Репутация Sypher Systems тесно связана с моей профессиональной и личной приверженностью к совершенству. Это обязательство побудило меня создавать инновационные программы, и я с нетерпением жду возможности решать новые профессиональные задачи.
Можем ли мы назначить время, чтобы изучить, что я могу принести в Sypher Systems?
С уважением,
(ваше имя)